

Big Country Outfitters/Silencio Outdoors
Your One Stop Hunting Shop
We now carry Crossbows! Come in to look over our selection!
Big Country Outfitters is your one stop hunting shop located in Hamlin, Texas, an area well known in the hunting industry. Owned and operated by Chris Allen, the idea of the store derived from Chris’ long-standing brand, Silencio Outdoors, Inc.
Silencio Outdoors has specialized in custom suppressor systems for over 8 years and has expanded into the retail hunting industry with Big Country Outfitters. Chris is a marine veteran, husband, father to four boys, and enjoys spending time with his family on their ranch in the area. You can read Chris’ interview with Lone Star News when he opened the new store, here.
With a taxidermy and meat packaging plant not far from the store, Big Country Outfitters is located in the mecca of the Texas hunting industry. We offer a full range of hunting products, including but not limited to:
- Guns and Firearms
- Suppressors and Ammo
- Knives and Knives Sharpeners
- Scopes and Binoculars
- Sunglasses and Accessories
- Hunting Apparel
- Firepits
- Blinds and Tripods
- Crossbows
- Corn and Protein Feeders
- Wildlife and Cattle Feed
Some of our brands include: Benchmade, Benelli, Game Guard, South Texas Tripods, Wiley X, CZ-USA, MB Ranch King, and Meopta to name a few.
Whether you know exactly what you need or are just passing through, please stop in and say hello! Our friendly staff is here to help and we can assure you, you won’t leave empty handed. We thank you for your interest in Big Country Outfitters and look forward to meeting you!
If you are interested in pursuing a hunting license or need to renew, please click here to learn more.

Contact Us
Big Country Outfitters/Silencio Outdoors
129 South Central Ave.
Hamlin, TX 79520
Administrative Office
5100 N. O'Connor Suite 400
Irving, TX 75039